It's a great place and offers plenty of enjoyment (hence, I only made it through half in several hours). The science section with a nuclear fall-out shelter and other features from family life in the days of Leave It To Beaver, TV chef Julie Child's kitchen, a photo exhibit of President Obama's inauguration day, Roberto Clemente's uniform, Dorothy's red slippers, Archie and Edith Bunker's chairs, a Dumbo ride car from Disneyland, and muppets Kermit and Oscar the Grouch are my favorites.
My complaint is that there aren't, despite the great items listed above, enough pop-culture pieces. The public would go wild over more of this stuff, so the Smithsonian needs to get moving on procurement.
How about getting an ape suit from the Planet of the Apes or one of the Beatles amplifiers? What do you want to see housed there?
Great Photo